Tuesday, January 06, 2009

About the vocab test next Monday...

We're going to try yet another format for this vocabulary test. Hopefully, it'll be doable but not too easy.

Each of you are already assigned to a writing group of either 6 or 7 people. In these groups, you will draw 10-15 vocabulary words out of a hat (it's not literally a hat, more like a jar, but you get the idea). Your group will need to write a story using these words...yes, one story per group, there's no way I could grade 82 of them.

It is still an open note test, as long as the notes are handwritten...everyone in the group should turn their notes in with their story so I can see who prepared in advance and who did not.

Obviously, you won't know which words you're going to get, so you should have a good grasp of EVERY word, just in case.

Finally, each person will need to EMAIL me with a paragraph describing how their group came up with the story, and which parts they personally contributed. This email is due by 10pm Monday night. Without this email, you will not get any credit for your participation in the group, even if everyone else says you did a great job.

Any questions? Ask them now. You have SIX days to prepare for this test.


Anonymous said...

This sounds fun!

shelby said...

I'm just checking to see if my comment thing works