Monday, August 25, 2008

The fattest doc you'll ever get in high school

So...some of you have been asking about how we're going to get the texts we're using in class. Some of them are going to be delivered as usual, like in your previous English classes, Hamlet for example, as we're the only class in the school that reads it (English 12A teachers tend to use Macbeth instead). But since we're going to be reading 20 major texts, it would be very unfair to Mrs. Mitchell to ask her to haul them all over campus, she'd be working twice as hard to serve us as any other class in the school.

I keep a few texts in the classroom. These tend to be xeroxed copies of the shorter plays, which I've pulled out of anthologies. I will distribute these one or two weeks before the lectures are scheduled. If you think you need more time than that to read a short play, you may want to reconsider your readiness for the rigors of AP.

But most of the texts are available to you right now, at the link to your left labeled "AP Reader (550 pages)." Yes, that is five HUNDRED and fifty pages. You can understand why I won't be passing these out in class. Seven of the major works, and 10 of the minor pieces are compiled in a pdf document. I'd suggest you print it out, but I understand that it will take more than an entire ream of paper and god knows how much ink to do so, so I won't require it. But it's still a good idea, maybe print out 50-some pages at a time over weeks?

Finally, our very first text is available here:
The Oresteia

Enjoy your last week of summer!

Sunday, August 17, 2008


The syllabus and calendar for next year has been finalized. These are the two most important documents you will need to succeed in this class, here are the links:

AP English Syllabus

AP English Calendar

You need to print them both out and BRING THE PARENT SIGNATURE PAGE TO CLASS ON THE FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL. You should keep both documents on hand throughout the year, I will be referring to them on the first day, and frequently beyond that.

This is your first homework assignment, worth 10 very easy points. That is, if you're paying attention. I'm trying to impress upon all of you from the very beginning: when it comes to this class, you snooze, you lose.

Good luck.
